
  • New Blog Post Coming Soon

    Check back soon for our latest blog post, product launches, exclusive offers, and much, much more!
  • Choosing the Perfect Chandelier with Matching Pendants

    Chandeliers are considered the crowning element in decorating. They add sparkle and class to any room. Matching pendants provide the finishing touc...
  • Home is more than just a roof over your head

    Now, more than ever, our homes have become our places of refuge and retreat, our family’s safe haven from the storms of life. At GK, we pay homage...
  • Extend your living space outdoors

    There is nothing quite like sunshine and fresh air to lift your spirits and encourage creativity. With so many people working from home now, it’s t...
  • Create your own backyard oasis

    There is a quote from the Wizard of Oz that is profound, “If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own ba...